After a long travel afternoon the previous day we landed at Bonners Ferry “Boundary County Fairgrounds”. We were able to camp there for the night for free (allowed for up to 72 hours). It was actually a really neat place!
There was a large playground just outside our camper, a skate park, a train track far enough away to enjoy it without it blasting your ears off and a beautiful old working feed and grain mill bordering another side of the parking lot. We happened to arrive in that magical evening glow the sun gives to everything just before it sets which made it feel that much more lovely.

First thing the next morning the girls put on their warm sweaters and zipped out to the playground to go explore. We ate breakfast in the morning sunshine on a picnic table before we left for our driving day.

Other than the teenagers screaming like crazy people until 11pm (don’t ask me where their parents were), the fairgrounds were a fun place to land for the night and we definitely would do it again.