Wacky Wanderers

exploring on the road as a family

San Diego, CA: Part I

While we were at Anzo-Borrego State Park Justin’s former coworker extended a very generous sweet offer to park in his driveway in San Diego for a bit. We had previously wiped Sand Diego off our travel list because for one, we had already explored it (though it was when our 5 year old was a baby) and because campgrounds were far from the city and/or pricey. But thanks to this kind offer, we decided to go to San Diego after all!

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Anzo-Borrego Desert State Park, CA

Off we went on the bumpy roads to the second largest state park in the US. I was glad that our oldest and I got some schooling done in the morning before we left because these roads were nauseating! Lucky for our little girl’s stuffed bunny, Bun Bun, she reaped the benefits of getting two new outfits out of the drive! One outfit made from yet another pair of pants and socks that have been destroyed and a bathing suit made from a piece of my old bathing suit.

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Yuma AZ and Los Algodones

After being off grid camping for about a week we were ready to move onto our next spot.  We decided to head to Yuma with plans to camp there while we crossed the border to Mexico on foot to all get our dental cleanings done.  We heard from many on the road that there is a hub in Los Algedones, Mexico where there are dozens of dentist offices to choose from who do great work for not a lot of money.  

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Quartsite BLM camping near RV show

Quartsite was our new camping location.  Many of the full-time families were continuing onto another meet-up at the Bash in Lake Havasu.  However, not only did we not have tickets for this event, we also were ready to move onto a quieter setting for a bit.  Meeting up with lots of other families is nice but also overwhelming and tiring.  

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